Video: Collaborate 12 - OBIEE + OECB (Oracle Essbase Cube Builder) - A Perfect Solution in the Making for OBIEE + Essbase



How many times have the Essbase / Hyperion users reported issues with respect to performance of the Cubes or Essbase Cubes crashing because of MDX queries fired by the OBIEE server running for ever ? Is there a possible solution for such issue ? Is there a possibility to have a dedicated Essbase cube for OBIEE users ? How can we ensure that the data sums up exactly between the Essbase cube and the datawarehouse ?

Here comes a new tool OECB which if properly configured and managed can solve most of such issues. The Speaker will discuss in detail with a demo on how it can be used to achieve such an objective to ensure the Hyperion users dont have any issues with their cube and how we can ensure a perfect drill between the aggegrated cube and the detailed warehourse level data and how all of this can be achieved with OBIEE as the single source of visibility even though you have 2 data sources - Warehouse and the Essbase Cube.

Speaker:  Abhinav Banerjee | KPI Partners