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Query Application for 3.9 Petabytes of Data

Case Studies

About Financial Services Company

KPI's client provides financial software tools such as an analytics and equity trading platform, data services, and news to financial companies and organizations. Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people, and ideas, Client delivers business and financial information, news, and insight around the world.


  • Cassandra_KPI Partners
  • Scala KPI Partners
  • Amazon Web Services KPI Partners-2

Business Driver

The client has a 3.9 petabyte data store and needed a metadata query application to meet regulatory and compliance needs.


This data store contains data generated at client terminals by their customers and includes both structured and unstructured data such as emails, PDFs, etc.


Why Was KPI Partners Chosen?

The client selected Apache Cassandra for its high availability for its global user base. The client selected KPI for their proven Cassandra expertise and their expertise in building Java/Scala applications on the Apache Cassandra platform.


Project Summary

KPI delivered a custom Scala application on Apache Cassandra that created metadata for the 3.9 petabytes of data and allowed users to query the metadata. The application was developed and deployed on Amazon Web Services.


KPI also did extensive performance testing and tuning using a billion object test database. KPI developed the test database, conducted the tests, and tuned both the application and Apache Cassandra to meet client's stringent performance and scalability requirements.



  • Enabled client to query data to meet compliance requirements
  • An application that is available 24x7 to the client's global user base
  • An application that scales to meet client's performance and scalability requirements


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