Business Driver
The integration of service revenue management data into an enterprise data warehouse.
The project included connected devices, attach rate, ARPU, service BOMs, service billing, install base, and Tableau reporting. Standardize Service Bundles across systems & platforms. Minimizing Revenue leakages
Selection Process
The organization evaluated many consulting companies but selected KPI Partners because of KPI's expertise in integration and reporting. In addition, KPI proposed utilizing a 100% offshore team to minimize cost and risk.
What KPI Delivered
KPI built a model to integrate Install base, entitlement, and Oracle service contract, billing, and digital data from multiple systems. KPI implemented this solution for various countries where the client operates.
The model can be easily scalable and adapt to changes in requirements. It gives us the client visibility to future/expected revenue. KPI was able to highlight potential issues early in the project and identify solutions to ensure timely delivery.
Provided many visualizations using Tableau to perform year over year, quarter over quarter, YTD, QTD, and MTD type of analysis.
Business Benefits
KPI's service analytics solution helps Verifone:
- Identify the total serials shipped with services and without services
- Pinpoint Active and Inactive services
- Monitor services starting and services expiring in future months
- Look at ARPU (Average Revenue per Unit) with BOM Explosion, without BOM Explosion, and with Invoice details.
- Know customer what hardware customers prefer
- Understand which service and which hardware combination is fetching more revenue
- Generate recurring revenue
- Empower Sales Managers to proactively follow up with Clients for renewals
- Find revenue leakages
- Analyze digital connected data
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