Enterprises can leverage the power of our products and our world-class professional services team to leverage cutting-edge solutions that deliver significant business value for any industry vertical or use case, and drive efficiencies across the enterprise.


KPI Cloud Analytics

KPI Cloud Analytics

With a pre-built data model, data transformation, and pre-built analytics, KPI Cloud Analytics enables the integration of enterprise technology portfolios and cloud applications to provide an end-to-end system capable of comprehensive cross-functional analytics.

KPI Real-Time Analytics

KPI Real-Time Analytics

KPI Real-Time Analytics presents real-time transactional information side-by-side with historical information in a single analytical environment. Get up-to-the-minute reporting of key data metrics while maintaining a proper level of performance for operational processing.

BI Report Conversion Utilities

BI Report Conversion Utilities

Are you looking to convert your legacy functional reports to the more interactive and attractive reports available with the latest BI technologies? Learn how our customers are deploying the most popular reporting platforms on the market and leveraging our innovative tool to automate report conversion, lowering the cost and overall risk of the project.

Discoverer Migration Wizard

Discoverer Migration Wizard

KPI’s Discoverer Migration Wizard allows you to accelerate the metadata conversion from Discoverer and speed up the migration process. Take advantage of a comprehensive BI solution for reporting, ad hoc query and analysis, OLAP, dashboards and scorecards.


Integrated Salesforce-ERP Analytics

KPI’s Integrated Salesforce-ERP Analytics integrates data from Salesforce Sales Cloud with other front office systems to help executives increase revenue, pipeline predictability and sales effectiveness.

Informatica to ODI Migration Wizard

Informatica to ODI Migration Wizard

ODI’s E-LT approach helps companies improve performance while reducing costs. KPI’s Informatica to ODI Migration Wizard allows you to automatically migrate up to 90% of your existing mappings from Informatica to ODI, significantly reducing the time and cost of conversion.