Reduce revenue leakages and boost bottom line productivity using KPI’s advanced data science and AI solutions. Our team of data scientists design, develop, and deploy machine learning tools and algorithms that help you build smarter products and operations. KPI can help you solve the toughest data challenges, predict demand for products and services to improve customer satisfaction and guide business strategies based on knowledge and insight.


Data Sciences


We’ll bring our team of data scientists together with a range of people from your organization to help you generate ideas and explore what's possible with data for your organization. We help you evaluate opportunities and develop a roadmap for building your data science capability by seeking buy-in from all relevant parties throughout the process. Our innovative data-driven tools can help you identify the most valuable starting points and recommend potential improvements in the execution plan.


Data science done right is capable of transforming products, processes, or policies. We'll work closely with you and your team to help you gain a data-driven perspective and visualize the impact on your business. We leverage the power of a diverse set of machine learning tools including neural networks, reinforcement learning, gradient boosting, random forests, natural language processing, genetic algorithms, and Bayesian models to develop effective AI solutions.


We build effective AI models that are capable of learning in real-time from ongoing, dynamic input. We'll help you realize your data science pipe dream in tiny, incremental, cost-effective phases. The resulting solution will be tailored to your use cases to give your organization a true competitive advantage over your rivals. We’ll include you and your team in the process for effective collaboration.


Having a data-driven culture is important for your business. We’ll work with you and your team to develop a curriculum that helps everyone gain an understanding about data and make the information easily accessible to everyone. We'll work alongside your existing team for 3-6 weeks and train them on how to translate strategy into tangible projects, manage data science projects, and be a more informed consumer of data-driven results.


Work with KPI on your next Data Science project.

Contact us for a free consultation.