KPI helps you drive business efficiencies by running real-time analytics on streaming technologies such as Spark Streaming or Storm or Kafka Streaming. Rapidly build and deploy analytics for any industry vertical, any data format, and any use case.


Real-time Analytics

What We Deliver

  • Analytics Assessment – we review current capabilities and make recommendations for tools, teams, operating model and governance
  • Proof of Concept – we gather insights from experiments and use those insights to understand and resolve current business challenges
  • Implementation – we operationalize use cases by inserting models and visualizations into production
  • Analytics as a Service – we maintain and upgrade older models and update business with new patterns and insights

Our Approach

  • We help you identify an prioritize high-value use cases that help you beat the competition
  • We work with your existing teams to optimize business outcomes
  • We focus on integrating existing data sets and tools into advanced solutions
  • We use pre-built components and quality templates for integration and data access
  • We drive positive results by mapping existing and new technology assets to your business objectives


  • Monitor and boost quality of customer service while it is taking place
  • Ingest, search, and analyze all your logs in real-time
  • Understand and provide what the customers want without any delays
  • Predict asset failure to optimize functional processes and quality