Experience / Case Studies

Case Study: K12 - Consolidated Reporting For Leads & Opportunities at K12 Using Data From Salesforce.com & Oracle

About K12

K12 is a leader in providing individualized, one-to-one learning solutions to students from kindergarten through high school across the United States.

Business Drivers

K12 needed consolidated reporting for leads and opportunities. To facilitate this type of insightful reporting, integration of their existing Salesforce.com data with K12’s custom student enrollment applications and Oracle E-Business Suite was required.

To accompany the need for consolidated reporting, K12 desired to simplify & enhance the business intelligence experience for their end users.


Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) was selected as K12’s standard enterprise reporting platform which provided sophisticated reporting such as map visualizations not offered within the Salesforce.com platform.

To facilitate integration between Salesforce.com, Oracle E-Business Suite, and OBIEE, K12 leveraged KPI Partners for systems implementation and data integration expertise. Accompanying on-site experts, KPI augmented the team with expert resources from KPI’s Offshore Technology Center.

An exclusive application extension was leveraged to complete the deployment. KPI’s Salesforce.com Adaptor for Oracle Analytics, a pre-built solution that provides a seamless integration between Salesforce.com and the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, was a key factor for success at K12.


  • Visibility: An complete, integrated, view of the K12 marketing process from Lead to Enrollment.
  • Return-on-investment (ROI): Analysis of the marketing investments against K12 sales revenue.
  • User Adoption: A single, consistent, reporting tool for all K12 data.
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enrollment week
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Tags: Offshore, Salesforce.com, Marketing Analytics, Oracle, Higher Education BI, Application Extensions, ERP Analytics, Education, Delivery Leadership, K12

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