KPI Partners Blog

15 Steps To Configure Oracle BI Apps

Posted by KPI Partners News Team on Tue, May 28, 2013 @ 02:48 PM

by Ashwin Pujari

With the release of the new version of Oracle's BI Applications, we've published some introductory articles such as 'Under The Hood Of The New Oracle BI Apps' and 'The ALL-NEW Oracle BI Apps... now with ODI ('.   I thought I would take a deeper look into the steps involved with configuring this new version of the BI Apps.  

Configuring Oracle BI Applications

Step 1

Start the configuration Utility by running the command <BI Oracle Home>/bin /configApps.bat to extend the BI Domain to deploy Oracle BI Applications to configure the components. 

Step 2

Click "Next" on the Welcome Screen.

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Step 3

On the Prerequisite Checks screen, after the prerequisite checks conclude with no errors, click "Next".

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Step 4

On the Extend BI Domain screen, specify the following:



Host Name

The host name of the computer on which the WebLogic Server domain exists. This field is read-only.


Specify the port number over which the WebLogic Server domain communicates. The default is 7001.

User Name

Specify the user name for logging into the WebLogic Server.

User Password

Specify the password for logging into the WebLogic Server.




Step 5

The Specify Installation Location screen displays the following information:



Middleware Home

Specify the path to the directory for an existing Oracle Middleware Home where Oracle BI EE has been installed.

The value in this field is read-only.

Oracle Home

The Oracle Home for BI, which is the location where Oracle BI EE, Oracle BI Applications, and Operational Planning Applications files are installed.

The value in this field is read-only.

WebLogic Server Home

The directory name for the WebLogic Server.

The value in this field is read-only and is the host name you specified in the Middleware Home field.

Domain Home

The home directory for the domain associated with the Oracle Business Intelligence system. The value in this field is read-only.

Instance Home

The path to the Oracle Instance directory.

The installer installs component configuration files and runtime processes in the Oracle Instance directory. Runtime components write to this directory only. The directory that you identify for the Oracle Instance can be located anywhere on your system, and does not need to be inside the Oracle Middleware Home.

The value in this field is read-only.

Instance Name

The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence instance. By default, the location is based on the value in the Instance Home field. This directory is commonly referred to as ORACLE_INSTANCE.

The value in this field is read-only.


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Click "Next"


Step 6

On the Configure Components screen, to deploy Oracle BI Applications, select, "BI Application Components." To additionally deploy Indirect Spend Planning, select, "Indirect Spend Planning." Note: You cannot deploy Indirect Spend Planning without deploying Oracle BI Applications

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Click "Next"


Step 7

On the RPD Encryption Password screen, specify the following:



RPD Password

Specify the password used to encrypt the RPD.

Confirm RPD Password

Confirm the password used to encrypt the RPD.


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Click "Next".


Step 8

On the BI Applications Administrator User screen, specify the following:




Specify a username for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.


Specify a password for the Oracle BI Applications Administrator.

Confirm Password

Confirm the password.


Click "Next".


Step 9

On the MDS Schema screen, specify the following:



Database Type

The type of database that hosts the MDS schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String

The connect string used to access the MDS schema.

MDS Schema Username

The schema name for the MDS schema.

MDS Schema Password

The password for the MDS schema.



Click "Next".


Step 10

On the BI Applications Components Repository Schema screen, specify the following:



Database Type

Select the type of database that hosts the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String

Specify the connect string used to access the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository schema.

Use the format:


BIA Components Repository Schema Username

Specify the schema name for the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository schema.

BIA Components Repository Schema Password

Specify the password for the Oracle BI Applications Components Repository schema.


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Click "Next".


Step 11

On the OPL Schema screen, specify the following:



Database Type

Specify the type of database that hosts the OPL schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String

Specify the connect string used to access the OPL schema.

Use the format:


OPL Schema Username

Specify the schema name for the OPL schema.

OPL Schema Password

Specify the password for the OPL schema.

Click "Next".


Step 12

On the Business Analytics Warehouse Schema screen, specify the following:



Database Type

Specify the type of database that hosts the Business Analytics Warehouse schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String

Specify the connect string used to access the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

Use the format:


Business Analytics Warehouse Schema Username

Specify the schema name for the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

Business Analytics Warehouse Schema Password

Specify the password for the Business Analytics Warehouse schema.

 AshwathramPrashanth 2013 05 21 ConfiguringBIApplications11 1 1 7 1 Image 10 resized 600

Click "Next".


Step 13

On the BI Applications ODI Repository Schema screen, specify the following:



Database Type

Specify the type of database that hosts the ODI Repository schema. The only supported database type is Oracle.

Connect String

Specify the connect string used to access the ODI Repository schema.

Use the format:


ODI Repository Schema Username

Specify the schema name for the ODI Repository schema.

ODI Repository Schema Password

Specify the password for the ODI Repository schema. 

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Step 14

Step 14 can be bypassed as it is related to SOA Infra Schema screen.


Step 15

On the Configuration Progress screen, you can monitor the progress of the software configuration and respond to errors, if any occur.

If a configuration task fails, an error message appears. To retry the task, click "Retry". To continue with the next task, click "Continue" (not recommended). To stop the installation and configuration process entirely, click "Abort".

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After the configuration concludes without any errors, click "Next".

On the Complete screen, click "Save" to save the settings for this installation in a response file (optional), and then click "Finish" to exit the Oracle Business Intelligence Configuration Assistant.


Ashwin Pujari is a Senior Consultant at KPI Partners. Ashwin is a business intelligence and Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) expert who has specialized in complex utilization of the data integration platform.   Check out Ashwin's blog at

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Tags: Vision Workshop, Ashwin Pujari, Oracle, Business Intelligence, Tutorial, Oracle BI, Oracle BI Applications, Examining OBIA 11g, Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), Indirect Spend Planning, Blog

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